tisdag 25 maj 2010

2S4Y Kazan's sketch 53

While getting ready to make a card for Mother's Day for my colleague I suddenly felt like working with a sketch and what better place to go to than 2S4Y?! As usual there was a very inspiring sketch there and since I had the coloring done already it didn't take me too long to finish the card. Here is the sketch:

...and here is my take on it:


Now hop over to 2S4Y, they are celebrating their two year anniversary and there is some nice stuff that one of us can win!
=o) Muffin

3 kommentarer:

Christel sa...

Hej! Kul att du tittade in och lämnade en kommentar hos mig (igen!). Nej, ibland är det inte lätt att komma ihåg vilka bloggar man besökt tidigare. Din finns i alla fall med bland mina favoriter. Man får alltid härlig färgglad inspiration när man besöker dig. Och tack för komplimangerna, de värmer!

Unknown sa...

oh my is this not just the cutest :) I love the colors too - very summery!
Thanks for joining us at 2S4Y this week
:) Kazan

Nina sa...

Jätte-jättefint, vännen! Kul att se gamla filuren på ett kort igen :)